CADAR: The Shell Collection

11th Jan 2024

CADAR: The Shell Collection

In her own words, listen to the heartfelt story behind the Shell collection from Designer and Creative Director, Michal Kadar.

"My design process always starts with a story. 

For my Shell Collection, this story began at home - my home. 

As a child, my dad and I spent every Saturday collecting seashells along the beaches of Tel Aviv. An artist, my dad would use those shells to create elaborate mosaics decorating the entire facade of our home. And like the soft-bodied creatures who find sanctuary from the outside world within the shell's protective walls, my shell covered home always served as my safe place. 

These creations serve as a reminder of the places and people who make you feel loved. Just as you are. Nothing is more relaxing to me than the sound shells make as they brush against one another. This Shell Collection is more than a story. It's a personal tribute to home and the memory of my father. 

Thank you for making home a place where love flies free." 

Explore the CADAR collections: